Preservation in Print is the award-winning magazine of the Preservation Resource Center. Published six times per year, the magazine is filled with informative, inspiring and entertaining articles and features that illustrate the importance of historic preservation to our economy, our environment, our quality of life, and our collective memory as a society.

Preservation in Print is supported by a grant from the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office and by our generous donors and advertisers. Our magazine was born in 1975 as Preservation Press, and every issue from the beginning is available here! Scroll down to visit the archive, browse whole magazine issues or search for keywords using the magnifying glass icon below. 

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PRC members receive Preservation in Print in their mailboxes six times a year, and you can too!

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Advertising in Preservation in Print

Each issue is distributed to specific target audiences as well as PRC’s members. This makes advertising in Preservation in Print a great investment – plus you support our important cause. Learn more about advertising through our media kit or contacting Kearney Gay.

Danielle Del Sol, Executive DirectorInterim Editor, Preservation in Print Magazine
(504) 581-7032,

Liz JureyArt Director

Kearney Gay, Director of Development & Interim Advertising Manager