Rebuilding after catastrophic flooding is a long and expensive process, so anything you can do that may help prevent future flood damage is always advisable.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has published a guide on how to Build with Flood Damage Resistant Materials in an effort to protect your property from future flooding.
The goal, according to the guide, is not to eliminate water damage at every level, but to drastically reduce the amount of damage incurred during flooding events.
“Building materials are considered flood resistant if they can withstand direct contact with flood waters for at least 72 hours without being significantly damaged,” according to the FEMA guide. “Significant damage means any damage that requires more than low cost, cosmetic repair (such as painting).”
Concrete, concrete tile, and precast concrete are all recommended flooring materials, while brick, metal, concrete, concrete block, porcelain, slate, glass block, stone, and ceramic and clay tile all make good flood damage resistant wall and ceiling materials.