Historic District designations

Interested in having your neighborhood recognized with a historic district designation? Contact PRC’s Policy Research Director and Advocacy Coordinator MaryNell Nolan-Wheatley to learn more about local and federal historic districts and how a neighborhood could benefit from such a designation.

PRC Revival Grants Program

In full-control local historic districts protected by the city’s Historic District Landmarks Commission, PRC’s Revival Grants program assists low- to moderate-income homeowners with repairs and maintenance to avoid continued violations or fines. The program helps to preserve New Orleans’ historic architecture and fight displacement by helping longtime residents of historic districts remain in their homes. Learn more about the program and apply.

Nominate your neighborhood to the National Register of Historic Places

The Preservation Resource Center partnered with the Pontchartrain Park Neighborhood Association to nominate the neighborhood to the National Register of Historic Places in 2020. National Register Historic Districts enable owners to apply for federal tax incentives to rehabilitate historic buildings — and trigger heightened scrutiny from federal projects that could negatively impact historic neighborhoods (such as a highway widening project, for example) — but the designation does not restrict property owners from altering structures.

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