
Erin Holmes


Upcoming demolition requests to HDLC threaten historic properties

The following addresses will be considered for demolition by the Historic District Landmarks Commission at their November 11 meeting. For more information …


Upcoming demolition requests threaten historic properties

The following properties will be considered for demolition by the Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee at the November 5, 2018 meeting.  The full …


Historic Loew’s Theatre threatened by out-of-scale redevelopment

On November 1, the New Orleans City Council will consider a preliminary design for the redevelopment of the historic Loew’s …


Upcoming demolition requests threaten historic properties

These properties will be considered for demolition by the NCDAC on October 1.


Upcoming demolition requests threaten historic properties

These properties will be considered for demolition by the HDLC on September 13.

Preservation in Print

PRC helps Pontchartrain Park work toward listing on National Register

This story appeared in the September issue of the PRC’s Preservation in Print magazine. Interested in getting more preservation stories like this delivered …


Former Oretha Castle Haley Elementary in St. Roch could become affordable housing

Built in 1921, the Mediterranean Revival-style building was designed by the prolific school architect, E.A. Christy.


Demolition requests threaten Uptown properties

The Historic District Landmarks Commission will consider these demolition requests at its Aug. 16 meeting.


Upcoming Demolition Requests Threaten Historic Properties

These properties will be considered for demolition by the NCDAC on August 6.


New redevelopment proposal for Loew’s Theatre up for review

A third proposal to redevelop the former Loew’s Theatre is up for review at the CBD HDLC on July 31.


Upcoming Demolition Requests Threaten Historic Properties

The following properties will be considered for demolition by the Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee at the July 16, 2018 meeting.  The full agenda …


City Council approves demolition of historic warehouses in New Orleans’ Warehouse District

The New Orleans City Council has approved the demolition of four historic, one-story brick warehouses as part of a new …