Header image courtesy Matt Lambros at afterthefinalcurtain.net
Two plans for redeveloping the historic Loew’s State Palace Theatre on Canal Street have been turned down by the Central Business District Historic District Landmarks Commission. On Wednesday (June 13), the CBD HDLC unanimously voted to deny two design strategies submitted by developers looking to turn the 92-year-old theater into a hotel.
The Preservation Resource Center spoke against both plans. The first proposal would have demolished the interior theater space while keeping the building’s Spanish Colonial façade and constructing a new nine-story addition. The second proposal would have preserved the interior theater as a lobby but replaced the two-story façade with a 160-foot tower, containing 248 rooms and fronting Canal Street.
This historic site has so much potential, and the Preservation Resource Center hopes the developers will continue to consider creative alternatives for this landmark on Canal Street.