Soon the Historic District Landmarks Commission (HDLC) will consider two proposed whole-house demolitions. The commission will also consider several partial demolition requests.

For more information about these requests and others, see the full agenda here, or search by property address on the City’s One Stop Shop.

Do you live in any of these neighborhoods or have any concerns or comments about the demolition of any of these properties? You can contact the Commission with your comments by emailing To learn more about preservation advocacy and how to get involved, contact


Neighborhoods affected:
  • Upper Hurstville / Audubon Park
  • Mid-City
  • Irish Channel
  • Carrollton / Black Pearl
  • Faubourg Marengo / Touro


Whole House Demolition Requests

6301 Perrier St. Map it!

6301 Perrier St., a Spanish Colonial Revival two-story double one block from Audubon Park, has seen better days. Clad in gray stucco, it is streaked green in spots where gutters have gone missing. Original arched windows and doors have been stripped of paint by time. Still crowned with the red terra cotta tile characteristic of this popular 1920s style, its profile and projected entry mirror a more polished cousin next door. Exploratory demolition revealed faulty stucco work and years of neglect have significantly damaged the exterior. Repairs could approach the cost of replacement. So what’s the right call, upcycle this diamond in the rough or knock it down to make way for something new but “traditional” single-family home?

This demolition request is slated for consideration by the Historic District Landmarks Commission at a special meeting scheduled on Friday, February 22, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the City Council chamber, 1300 Perdido Street.


211 Murat St. Map it!

211 Murat St. is a modest single story double shotgun in Mid City, between Bienville and Canal streets within walking distance of City Park. The childhood home of Cajun musician Bruce Daigrepont, it sits nestled within an intact block of mostly Arts and Crafts homes. Daigrepont, who learned to play music in the house, fondly recalls his father’s meticulous carpentry to repair and upkeep the home. Thought it has fallen into disrepair in recent years, the HDLC staff concluded it was imminently reparable and recommend against demolition.

This demolition request is slated for consideration by the Historic District Landmarks Commission at a special meeting scheduled on Friday, February 22, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the City Council chamber, 1300 Perdido Street.

A public hearing on this demolition request was delayed; it will now be considered by the HDLC on March 13.

Image via City of New Orleans One Stop Shop


Partial Demolition Requests

3422 Laurel St. Map it!

3422 Laurel St. is an Irish Channel camelback whose owner aspires to transform into a double gallery home. The Architectural Review Committee has recommended against this transformation in building type.

Image via Google Maps


1235 General Ogden St. Map it!

1235 General Ogden St. is one of four identical two-bay shotguns adjacent to newer two-story structure in upriver Carrollton near Oak St. The owner has requested a permit to demolish more than half the roof tomake way for a camelback addition. HDLC staff recommended approval: “The HDLC usually recommends locating large additions, at least two-bays back from the front façade. In this case, due to the limitations of the small site and small footprint of the existing residence, the location of the addition is acceptable.”

Image via Google Maps


3952 Constance St. Map it!

3952 Constance St. is a two bay shotgun adjacent to one-story double and a two-story residence. It is one block from Magazine St. between Napoleon and Louisiana. The owner plans to add a camelback addition, necessitating demolition of more than 50% of the roof, and staff have recommended approval.

Image via Google Maps


243 Cherokee St. Map it!

243 Cherokee St. is a four bay,one-story residence adjacent to similar home and a one-story cottage in the Black Pearl area of Carrollton. The owners have requested permission to remove more than half the roof to make way for a camelback addition.

Image via Google Maps


Background: In 2017, the Historic District Landmarks Commission was given jurisdiction over demolition permits in newly minted local historic districts covering much of Mid-City and Uptown. The very nature of these “partial control” districts implies that policymakers (namely City Council) determined heightened scrutiny is warranted before a property owner is allowed to demolish a building in these areas.

The City Council also approved a definition of demolition that encompasses removing a substantial portion of a structure’s facade or roof. Thus property owners in local historic districts must receive a “partial demolition” permit before making alterations such as adding a second story or removing a front porch.

Preservation Resource Center holds that every reasonable alternative should be pursued before a structure deemed “contributing” to a neighborhood’s historic character is given the terminal diagnosis of demolition. Through renovator training courses and other educational offerings, we help property owners understand the ins and outs of a successful, historically sensitive renovation.