Greater New Orleans leads the nation in historic rehabilitation investment per capita. Why? Because we have bright people and beautiful buildings, of course. But also because we have state policies that make preservation the smart investment.

The Louisiana Commercial Rehabilitation Tax Credit leverages a federal tax credit to reward preservation and resulting job creation in the building trades. It has produced investments totaling $3.7 billion in cities and towns statewide in the last decade. There’s a good chance some of your favorite historic places have benefited.

Please take a moment to share that success story with members of the Louisiana Senate Finance Committee, who will soon be asked to extend the program and allow total credits of up to $300 million annually. Our partners in Louisiana Citizens for Culture make it easy to email senators online here.

Thank you for taking action to support job creation through historic preservation!

Click here to contact the Senate Finance Committee




The Pythian building is just one example of the many projects in New Orleans that utilized the Louisiana Historic Tax Credit to save and transform vacant historic buildings.